• Advice to your necklace: personal crystals and stonesQuick View
    • Advice to your necklace: personal crystals and stonesQuick View
    • Advice to your necklace: personal crystals and stones

    • 20,00
    • Advice to your necklace: personal crystals and stones Enter your first and last name, date of birth and you will receive a detailed email consultation with all the personal stones and crystals to wear in every moment of your life. And how to use them to tap into your personal energy. They will help you as protectors, some will be healers, others will help you unlock long-blocked emotions and energies ... They will help you to work in the psycho-energetic field through my advice Channel our energy, unblock any energy and emotional blocks.. Through psycho-energetic treatments , through crystallogia, a discipline that teaches us to release our inner energy and emotions through stones and crystals that are able to connect perfectly with our essence. It is not enough to wear the crystal or the stone, but you have to get in touch with them through yourself ... Through a consultation of one's personality, through numerology, through a reading of one's self, we can understand how to work on ourselves to free ourselves from negativity, blocks, bad mood etc ... and how to work on an energetic level. Christology is a study where the energy of nature and the energy of the soul come together and work together to improve one's life and our psycho-energetic / emotional well-being You will receive all the names of your stones and crystals to use and draw on in particular moments of your life..
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  • Personal colors advice.Quick View
    • Personal colors advice.Quick View
    • Personal colors advice.

    • 20,00
    • Advice Personal colors Discover the colors that affect your psyche, your mood, your energy and how to use them in your life. Through them we can develop, stimulate, increase our inner energies and those of the Nature that surrounds us Life is vibration and energy and colors are a sensitive and elevated expression of this Colors are able to know our true personality and nature, our deepest and often not hidden emotions, reactivate the vital centers, and this finds its application in Indian medicine, Chinese, Tibetan and Egyptian Through your date of birth, you will discover which are your personal colors that influence your psyche in a positive way. Let's find out what are the energies to unlock and with which colors to go to work to feel better on an energetic level. What colors to wear to look more radiant and enhance yourself; to enhance your light and transmit positive energy to those around you as well.. When ordering, specify your name, surname and date of birth.. Contact us on telegram or whatsapp in private and send us a half-length photo of you at +393401231347 You will receive an online consultation by e-mail with the detailed personal file on:
      • The color of your personality
      • The colors that affect your psyche and mood
      • The colors that work on your energy and how to use them in your life
      • The colors to wear to appear more radiant, shiny and enhance you
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  • Psycho-energy consultancyQuick View
    • Psycho-energy consultancyQuick View
    • Psycho-energy consultancy

    • 20,00
    • Consulenza psico-energetica Scopri come lavorare su te stessa , how to work balancing your emotions and energy. Through this online consultation, you will discover and become aware of yourself. You will learn to realign emotional imbalances, develop your inner energy through my targeted advice. Enter your name, surname and date of birth. You will receive a detailed analysis in pdf format where I will talk about you and how to regain your psycho-energetic well-being based on your personal characteristics, and through focused and personal guidance. You will discover your inner virtues and how to enhance them to benefit your life, you'll find out what you don't use well that negatively affects your emotions and energies in everyday life, I will give you the tools to improve your condition and live more serene and happy, developing your personal power.    
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  • Herbs and personal essential oilsQuick View
    • Herbs and personal essential oilsQuick View
    • Herbs and personal essential oils

    • 20,00
    • Herbs have magical natural properties that allow you to restore the balance of body and mind, respecting the environment and nature. Nature, it is a source of immense healing. Shamans establish an indissoluble relationship with plants, considering them a tool that can help in the evolution and balance process of each individual. Herbs if you integrate them into your life in any way you decide to use them, for example: through small daily rituals, in food and herbal teas , like incense, as oleolites; they develop beneficial properties for your body and psycho-physical energy, they help stimulate positive energy, ease tensions, balance emotional states, protect and heal... Enter your name and date of birth I will tell you your personal herbs, the oils and essences to be used to restore your perfect energy balance...

      You will receive a detailed and personalized pdf, dove :

      -I'll show you all the herbs suitable for you, based on your date of birth and personal characteristics.. -L'utilizzo nella vita di tutti i giorni attraverso consigli pratici e quotidiani -Ti spiego il significato di ogni singola erba, oleolita ,essence and how you can benefit from it ... -How to mix herbs to enhance their effects.
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  • Complete energy treatmentQuick View
    • Complete energy treatmentQuick View
    • Complete energy treatment

    • 60,00
    • Trattamento energetico completo Scopri le tue appartenenze: Colors, stones, crystals, herbs, fragrances, personal oils based on personal characteristics. Scopri come lavorare su te stessa a livello emozionale-energetico Basterà inserire nelle note il tuo nome intero e data di nascita. You will receive your detailed advice in pdf format by e-mail , where I will go to analyze your personality, personal characteristics, memberships, energetic emotional state. I will show you how to work to balance your emotions, develop inner energy to live better. I will indicate your memberships: Colors, stones, crystals, herbs, fragranze e oli personali Ti indicherò come utilizzare questi strumenti nella vita di tutti i giorni per migliorare il tuo benessere psico-fisico. I will explain how to get your energy flowing , feel better and live happier.  
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