[:it]How to organize time at home during quarantine.[:in]HOW TO ORGANIZE TIME AT HOME DURING THE QUARANTINE.[:]

[:it]How to organize time at home during quarantine.[:in]HOW TO ORGANIZE TIME AT HOME DURING THE QUARANTINE.[:]


How to organize time at home during quarantine. See the time available as an opportunity.

How to organize time at home during quarantine.


The goal of this article is:

Begin to see the time we now have as an opportunity and not a constraint.

An opportunity to organize our mind, our emotions, our habits. To reflect, to understand our desires, the things we like to do, and which we intend to implement in the coming months.. Let's find out how to optimize our works, our passions, what tools to use. Discover and learn about new things. Seek sources of knowledge, information, Completely new studio entertainment has never been so close at hand.

I believe that there are really a lot of things we can do at home in this period and making the most of the power of the online world will make it all very simple..

Let's see this moment, like the possibility of resetting our life and starting from scratch, if we feel the need, or simply implement it with new attitudes, projects and creativity.

In this article, I thought about creating something that can help keep us from getting down and feeling lost. A feeling that I'm sure many of us have in common is feeling disorganized and not being able to distribute our time, because they are discouraged and confused.

I have often heard in some days, the desire to do a thousand things but not wanting or enthusiasm to bring them out.

Here's to counter this mental status, I found that organizing time, create a to-do list, of desires and going back to writing on paper helps a lot our mind and how incredibly it spreads the will to do.


For that I have drawn up an organizational plan for you that you can download on your PCs, print comfortably at home or bring back if you do not have the necessary means, on some sheets of paper. Yes, you got it right, I created these pages especially for you, which you can easily print or fill in, rewrite….

Let's start by creating a daily duty list of the things we have to do every day around the house.

per es. Cooked, to clean, to study, work from home, sons.

Then a list of the things we want to integrate with these things:

For es. doing physical activity, devote yourself to the beauty routine, take an online course, light, studying for a new project, interest, online course, a language etc.…

Draw up a list of our goals for the month and all but all the things we would like to be able to do within the month.

For es.

Learn how to create video content

Open a blog

Studying a new language

Optimize my online work

Learn to cook vegan etc.…



We then keep a notes page where we write down all the new ideas that come to our mind or sites pages of which we become aware, applications, useful information, knowledge to be deepened etc.…

Now comes the time to sort out all these ideas and this is where the most important moment comes:

Create a monthly calendar ,where you will report all the most important things to do divided by week.

Weekly , where you will report the activities of the week divided by days…

Daily where to report the activities of the day divided into hours…

Organizing these three calendars will allow you to be able to better distribute your time and not lose heart. You will immediately feel better and energized to face your days and hours.

Setting yourself generic goals and spending your daily time in activities and passions and new stimuli will allow you to lighten these weeks by making this time available constructively!


And why not create a plan for each activity we engage in these weeks and create new ones…

So talking about power

We can create a weekly meal plan, split for breakfast, lunch and dinner, where there is a part for things to buy.

It's still…Take advantage of the time we have spent in the kitchen to collect all the recipes invented in recent months to enjoy them even when we return to our daily and hectic life.


Speaking of training…

A work out plan to be carried out during the week, activities, timetables, lasted.

And on the one hand why not some notes on the sources, where we found our home workouts.

And a part dedicated to our goals. Weight, measurements etc..


Work from home

For those who work from home, those who have an online business must also here, indeed fundamental, I would say: stable daily actions to do, the weekly program of contents to be created, and a monthly schedule.

Organization of the house

Divide the days to dedicate to cleaning, the days dedicated to the reorganization of wardrobes and spaces. Put aside the things you no longer want to decide later what to do with them.

Studying new spaces, rearrange them, think about the decoration of the house and what, why not, you would like to add to your interior. Write everything down.

These are small examples but in reality every activity you decide to organize, it's a new passion, a new commitment and a new dedication will be possible to organize it in this way. Creating your idea, researching the tools to make it happen, applicandovi, noting each step for its realization, and why not sharing your discoveries…

I want to conclude with this reflection…..

I do it…I share….

I decided in my life a few years ago that I wanted to express beauty in the forms I have the means….

I have decided to share my personal taste and my lifestyle, my “little glances” on the world (hence the name of my blog: Little Looks)…with thousands of other people….

The beauty of social media you have to know is just that… At a time like this I am happy that everyone is realizing its great usefulness! The world of online can be undertaken by anyone who feels they can express something in its large and small….

Share your passions, emotions, discoveries, their own personal attitudes, their work by making it available to the world around us…

Personal satisfaction e’ great and that of having been useful or having lightened someone's day, is the final goal.

So if you have an idea in this period, or if you have already matured it for some time, develop it, organize it and make it available to others without fear!

I am sure this could mark your new rebirth in this historic moment….











The goal of this article is:

Start seeing the time we have now available as an opportunity and not as a constraint.

An opportunity to organize our mind, our emotions, our habits. To reflect, to understand our desires, the things we like to do, and that we intend to do in the coming months. Let’s find out how to optimize our works, our passions, which tools to use. Discover and learn about new things. Looking for completely new sources of knowledge, information, study entertainment has never been so close at hand.

I believe there are so many things we can do at home at this time and making the most of the power of the online world will make it very easy for us.

We see this moment as the possibility to reset our life and start again from scratch, if we feel the need, or simply implement it with new attitudes, projects and creativity.

In this article I thought of creating something that can help us not to lose our spirits and feel lost. A feeling that I am sure is shared by many of us feeling disorganized and not being able to distribute our time, because they are discouraged and confused.

In some days I have often felt the desire to do a thousand things but not wanting or the enthusiasm to bring them out.

Here is to counteract this mental status, I found that organizing time, creating a list of activities to do, desires and returning to writing on paper helps our mind a lot and how it incredibly spreads the will to do.

For that I have drawn up an organizational plan for you that you can download to your PC, print comfortably at home or bring back in case you do not have the necessary means, on sheets of paper.

Let’s start by creating a list of daily duties of the things we have to do every day at home.

for example. Cooking, cleaning, studying, work from home, children.

Then a list of the things we want to integrate with these things:

For example. do physical activity, devote yourself to beauty routine, take an online course, read, study for a new project, interest, online course, a language, etc.

Draw up a list of our goals for the month and all but all the things we would like to be able to do within the month.

For example.

Learn how to create video content

Open a blog

Study a new language

Optimize my online work

Learn to cook vegan etc …

We then keep a note page where we write down all the new ideas that come to our mind or sites pages that we learn about, applications, useful information, knowledge to deepen etc …

At this point the time comes to sort all these ideas and it is precisely here that the most important moment comes:

Create a monthly calendar, where you will report all the most important things to do divided by week.

Weekly, where you will report the activities of the week divided by days …

Daily where to report the day’s activities divided into hours …

Organizing these three calendars will allow you to better distribute your time and not lose heart. You will immediately feel better and charged to face your days and your hours.

Setting generic goals and occupying your daily time in activities and new passions and stimuli will allow you to lighten these weeks by making this time available constructive!

And why not create a plan for each activity in which we engage in these weeks and create new ones…

So talking about power

We can create a weekly food plan, divided for breakfast, lunch and dinner, where there is a part for things to buy.

And more … Take advantage of the time we have spent in the kitchen to collect all the recipes invented in these months to enjoy them even when we return to our daily and hectic life.

Speaking of training …

A work out plan to be carried out during the week, activities, schedules, and duration.

And on the one hand why not some notes on the sources, where we found our workouts from home.

And a part dedicated to our goals. Weight, measurements etc.

Work from home

For those who work from home, those who have an online business, here too, I would say fundamental: stable the daily actions to be done, the weekly program of contents to be created, and a monthly program.

Organization of the house

Divide the days to be dedicated to cleaning, the days dedicated to the reorganization of wardrobes and spaces. Set aside the things you no longer want to decide later what to do with them.

Studying new spaces, rearranging them, thinking about home decoration and what why not you would like to add to your interior. Write it all down.

These are small examples but in reality any activity that you decide to organize, that is a new passion, a new commitment and a new dedication will be possible to organize it in this way. By creating your idea, researching the tools to achieve it, applying it, writing down each step for its realization, and sharing your discoveries … why not?

I want to conclude with this reflection …

I do it … I share …

I decided that in my life a few years ago that I wanted to express beauty in the forms of which I have the means….

I decided to share my personal taste and my lifestyle, my “little glances” on the world (hence the name of my blog: Little Looks) … with thousands of other people ….

The beauty of social media you need to know is just that … At a time like this I am happy that everyone is realizing its great utility! The online world can be undertaken by anyone who feels they can express something big and small….

Share your passions, emotions, discoveries, your personal attitudes, your work by making it available to the world around us …

Personal satisfaction is great and that of being helpful or having lightened someone’s day is the ultimate goal.

So if you have an idea in this period, or if you have already matured it for some time, develop it, organize it and make it available to others without fear!

I am sure that this could mark your new rebirth in this moment that marked history….[:]

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